What Actors Shouldn't Strive For
By Vittoria Marlone
In the pursuit of a career in acting, there are many dreams we chase, many milestones we long for, and many goals we set. But amidst the hustle and passion, it's equally important to understand what we should not be striving for. Some aspirations may sound alluring on the surface, but they can distract us from our true path as artists. Here's a guide to the things actors should avoid pursuing in order to live a more authentic, fulfilling journey.
1. Fame
Fame can be an intoxicating idea. The allure of red carpets, magazine covers, and endless recognition might seem like the pinnacle of success, but it’s a fleeting illusion. Fame does not guarantee happiness, fulfillment, or artistic growth. The public's adoration is often shallow and temporary. True success comes when we move beyond the need for recognition and instead focus on creating meaningful work. Seek to be known for the quality of your art, not the quantity of your followers or the noise around your name.
2. External Validation
As actors, we are often told to seek feedback, whether from directors, audiences, or critics. While constructive feedback is crucial for growth, external validation should never become the foundation of your worth. No one else can define your value or your journey. Relying too heavily on others’ opinions will only tether your self-esteem to their approval. Trust in your craft, your instincts, and your path. You are already enough, just as you are.
3. Looking Attractive
The obsession with physical appearance is another trap many actors fall into. While it's undeniable that the entertainment industry places a premium on beauty, the most memorable performances are rarely those where the actor's looks are the focus. True acting comes from within, from the rawness of emotion, the depth of character, and the vulnerability we share with the audience. The work of an actor transcends superficiality. Focus on your craft, and let your uniqueness shine through, for it is your soul, not your skin, that will captivate.
4. Work on Training
Training is an essential part of any actor’s journey. However, it’s important to remember that training should not become a means of proving oneself or chasing a perfect formula for success. Training should be about growth and exploration, not about creating an image of being “ready” or “perfect.” The best actors are lifelong students, always evolving, always curious. Embrace the process of learning—not to be better than others, but to expand your capacity to connect, create, and express.
5. Make Each Job Better Than the Next
There is a dangerous mindset that suggests we must always "top" our previous work, pushing ourselves to outdo each role. This attitude can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and a loss of authenticity in your performances. Instead of focusing on competition, embrace the present moment. Each role is unique and valuable. Trust that the next job will challenge you in new ways and allow you to grow, but do not feel the pressure to surpass what you’ve done before. Your value is not in comparison, but in the truth you bring to every character you embody.
6. Live Life to Be a Great Actor
This is perhaps the most important point. It’s easy to get lost in the idea that everything in your life should be about becoming the perfect actor. Yet, the greatest performances often come from those who live deeply, who experience life fully—joy, sorrow, struggle, triumph, love, and loss. Don’t live only for your craft. Live for yourself, for the people you love, for the experiences that shape you as a human being. The richness of life will make you a better actor, and a more fulfilled person.
Encouragement for the Journey
As you walk this path, remember that acting is not about chasing a dream that will make you someone else. It’s about shedding the layers of who you think you should be and embracing who you are. The world needs your truth, not your perfection. Your journey is your own, and every twist and turn will bring you closer to the heart of your artistry.
So, let go of the things that weigh you down—fame, validation, appearance, comparison, and the pressure to be something you're not. Trust that as long as you stay true to your craft and your own soul, everything you need will unfold before you.
For more inspiration and insights, follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube at @VittoriaMarlone. Subscribe to the blog and tune in to my podcast Important, Loved, Blessed on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Stay true. Stay present. Stay blessed.