Legally Blonde and The Devil Wears Prada Taught Me A Lot

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I recently watched The Devil Wears Prada, and then Legally Blonde. Both movies everyone assumed I had seen, which I had NOT. Lately I have had a good streak of watching new movies and loving them, this was no different. I learned a lot about myself literally and figuratively in both. Let’s discuss…


When hitting burn out, our activities are back to a bare minimum. Hobbies, friends, exploring, relationships all go to the side. THIS ALSO HAPPENS WHEN WE THRIVE. I think it’s important to recognize this. At my worst and my best, I MAY NOT HAVE THE TIME FOR YOU. Interesting!

Downward spirals are real. Any time we end up triggered it’s natural to comfort in ways like depriving ourselves of what we need for things we think will preserve us. Which may be the opposite. I think Andy feeling torn between her fashion life and her peers was embodying this.

Focusing on time slows it down. If you’re ever in a rut you’ve experienced the feeling of time dragging. Or distracting yourself from time to speed it up. While both can true, you have to catch yourself and reprioritize as seen in the highs and lows of Andy’s time with runway mag!

Get rest. Sleep is everything, and it’s my biggest priority along with showing up my best (keep reading because both films touch on this). Sleep is fuel and the power of sleep is magnetized with meditation, gratitude lists, and breathing exercises if stressed.


The vibe here is go after what I want and look amazing doing it.

Larger spaces make time seem longer, let’s get into that. these last 3 years have felt like a nightmare. New, bigger environment with no escape. I am realizing I have to face the unknown. This looks like loans, rejection, and not having the answers. All firsts to me.

The antidote to a downward spiral is a positive feedback loop! For me this looks like a new diet plan, workout routine, getting up AND getting ready. Putting me first, and knowing I am qualified for everything I want to do. (try it)

Daily changes such as turning my phone off, or on airplane mode. Shifting how I expend my energy. And getting things done FOCCUSED: re. turning on the phone to get it done.

Both films had good and cringe points. I overall enjoyed both a lot and took some meaningful lessons from them.




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